Microbiology, B.S.
Microbiology encompasses the study of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasitic protozoa, which are organisms that inhabit every corner of our biosphere, and whose impact on human affairs, both positive and negative, is immense. Understanding the biology of microbes has important applications in biotechnology, medicine, public health, and ecology.
Students are admitted directly into this program.Program Overview
The program provides a strong foundational preparation in genetics, biochemistry, physics, and mathematics. These courses in the field focus on critical thinking, research methods, and hands-on laboratory experience.
Students are provided with the foundational tools necessary to progress into subsequent graduate academic programs at the master's and doctorate levels in a variety of disciplines, including microbiology, cell and molecular biology, genetics, and biochemistry.
The program can be tailored to meet the needs of students who plan to enter professional programs, such as medical, dental, or other health professions, after completing the undergraduate degree.
Why Study Microbiology at Grand Valley?
- The microbiology major fulfills the requirements of most graduate and professional schools.
- A majority of courses are taught by experts with a doctorate in their respective fields.
- The laboratory-rich, hands-on aspect of this major prepares graduates for opportunities in a variety of fields requiring these technical skills.
- Students have opportunities to contribute to scientific research while receiving one-on-one mentoring.
- Many students travel to professional meetings with their faculty mentors to present research findings and meet other experts outside of Grand Valley, which provides networking opportunities and strengthens presentation skills.
Career Insights
This tool shows an overview of potential career opportunities for this major. Actual salaries, employment opportunities, and job titles may change over time.
Location & Format
All undergraduate students begin their academic career on the Allendale Campus.
Format:- Face To Face
The curriculum meets the needs of students planning to enter the workforce or applying to graduate school in a variety of science disciplines. Students study a variety of topics, including:
- Bacteriology
- Chemistry
- Immunology
- Mathematics
- Microbial genetics
- Microbial physiology
- Mycology
- Parasitology
- Physics
- Virology
Combined Degree Programs
Many GVSU undergraduate programs can be combined with an existing master’s degree program to save on tuition and get you into the workforce sooner. On average, you can save $8,500 by pursuing a combined degree and take up to four fewer courses than if earning the degrees separately.
Talk with an advisor about how you can build your combined degree from existing programs to further personalize your education and create your own niche area of expertise.
Admission Requirements
Visit the Admissions website for undergraduate requirements.
Helpful Links
For More Information
Biomedical Sciences Department
212 Henry
(616) 331-3318